Get comfortable being uncomfortable

Today we are starting another Destination Challenge, and again I will hit the same key tip: your mind is going to play the biggest role in this game of change. You usually don’t get really physically tired, because your mind will give up first, and your body will just obey what your mind tells him to do. The book “How Bad Do You Want”, brings a lot of scientifically examples that your mind is in control of your physical performance. Even athletes that are in a better physical shape, can be defeated for the ones that are in a much better mental state to support the pressure. Here one important paragraph from this book:

“The British neuroscientist Vincent Walsh has even suggested that sports competition is the single most challenging thing the human brain ever does—more challenging even than “purely” mental tasks like solving differential equations and also more challenging to the brain than it is to the body.”

If you want to get a bit inspiration this week, watch 4 minute mile (it’s available on Netflix, as of today). In this movie, one of the most powerful lessons that I learned is on this sequence:

  • Runner finishes the run and says:

  • Coach replies

  • Runner replies

  • Coach says:

Boom! This is it folks, move beyond the pain barrier, move beyond any fear you may have and show who is in control: your mind!

For the ones that are in this challenge: let’s make the next six weeks the best ones physically and mentally. For the ones that didn’t join but are fighting their own battle, keep it up and never give up!


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