Always take full responsibility for your actions

I still remember in 2003 when I moved to US and a friend in Brazil told me: man, now you will get really fat, because everything there is big, and you will only eat burgers. I heard, but I didn’t really process the information since deep inside of me I knew that I will only eat what I wanted, nobody could really force me to eat. However, he was right, I jumped from 220 lbs to 280 lbs from 2003 to 2010. If this was muscle gain I would be happy, but it was pure fat….36% body fat in 2011.

Although he was right, I was also right, because even on my deepest days of “fat boy” eating fast food and thinking about my past shape as soccer player in Brazil, I was like: why am I’m damaging myself?! In between thoughts I asked for more French fries…it was a black hole! But the fact that I never tried to find someone or something to blame (other than me) also helped me to be more determined to change, because I knew I was the one in control. If I could damage myself so much in 7 years, what could I do improve in 7 years ahead? But I always found excuses to not start, until I really took off in October 2011.

On this #TransformationTuesday my message to you is simple: take full responsibility for your actions. If you cheat on your meal plan, is nobody’s fault by yours. Don’t try to find justification on your lack of time to cook, or on your schedule, or on wife partner, no…it’s YOU! Be accountable for your failures, and your success, this is very important. You can only fully change when you feel you are in control, and each step of the way to your final destination is a battle that you must be willing to either win or learn. Wait, so are you saying I’m never going to fail? You will, but only if you QUIT. Learn with your mistakes, and move forward. But always try to reduce the likelihood that you will make the same mistake again.  Keep working hard, and keep dreaming until your dreams come true! 


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