There are always room for improvement

As we approach the end of the year, and start planning the year ahead of us, we should always reflect on our accomplishments. But, most importantly, we MUST reflect on our failures too. Is not only about find the infamous “safe place” and shield yourself there, it is about find the weaknesses and understand that you need to work harder to overcome those weaknesses. 

Use this time of the year to reflect, and to create your own SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis. I used this approach many times in business, and last year I also used in my fitness program. By using this type of analysis you are not only visualizing what’s going right, but you can clearly see what’s currently wrong and envision the opportunity to improve.

This year I’ve seen people overcoming adversities, and having their best body transformation in years. But I also saw many people falling behind their own goals, and giving up to their dreams. I saw people that were hard core in the “shake business”, dropped a lot of weight, weren’t able to sustain, and the result is simple: they are bigger (not muscle, fat) than before. The reality is: either you love the healthy lifestyle and carry on the consistent hard work (kitchen + gym + rest), or you will be just another seasonal "diet guy/gal", or a shake seller (look, I'm losing weight, and I sell shakes).

Considering that I was obese for almost 20 years, I’m still a working in progress as I just completed my 6th anniversary of body transformation. I still battle with visceral fat, and I still eating no more than 2700 calories a day on my offseason. I had a great journey so far, by I still see myself far, very far from where I need to be. As the title of this post says, there are always room for improvement, and for 2018 I’m going back to my roots, as I work again with my first trainer Greg McCoy.

We have a good plan for 2018, and we already started executing on this plan, which is very important, because a plan without execution is just a bunch of words in a document, it does nothing. 


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