Enjoy your own journey and respect someone else's struggles

I think the best way to start this blog is by saying that I proudly never, ever publicly diminished someones's attempt to improve their physicality or skills. I come from a family of educators, my Father was Professor and my Mom was a middle school Teacher, respect is something that I grew up appreciating, and it always shocks me when I see people taking their time to criticize others that they don't even know. Unfortunately in the fitness industry this seems to be an ongoing trend among the ones that start to see some "gains" on their own physique.

The other day I read this very nice post called "Are you a fitness bully?", and boy how I see this type of people a lot, mainly online. People that don't know you, but will judge you by one picture, one video or just because they think they are so special that they can comment their hateful words on your page. It is just ridiculous! 100% of these people will never, ever walk to someone in the gym (someone that they don't even know) and say: "hey, your form sux, and you suck!"...because human interaction isn't easy, facing someone in real life and say the same BS that you said online is not easy, and no matter how much you try to convince yourself that you could do it, reality is: you couldn't, and you know that.

Unfortunately the Internet gave voice to some people that has absolutely zero respect to others, their pleasure is to mock, bully and make fun of other people. As I said in my Instagram, don't let the negativity of others influence on who you are and what you believe. Reality is: many will hurt you, ignore you, and try to put you down. Don't focus your efforts in revenge, stay away from this feeling, and pursuit self improvement. Be relentless, tireless and most importantly: drive your actions with peace in your heart.

People that lead their actions based on this negativity mindset can drag you down if YOU ALLOW IT. Protect yourself against these people, they have a problem for every solution, and they will never be satisfied until they see your failure.

I lost 100lbs, and when I started I was the fat guy in the gym. However today, when I see I fat guy trying to lose weight, I feel motivated and I want to motivate him by telling my own story.  You can watch a bit more about my own journey in the video below:

No matter where you started, you must enjoy every step and every struggle, be proud of yourself and keep moving forward. 

Yuri Diogenes


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